Natural History
Natural History, Science
Black Hills Institute of Geological Research Inc., has long been recognized as the world’s finest paleontological and earth science supply house. The Institute’s primary business is supplying professionally prepared fossils, fossil casts, and mineral specimens for research, teaching, and display. Our staff have been the leaders in developing new techniques and new materials for use in fossil exploration, collection, preparation, and exhibition.
Archaeology, General, Natural History, Science
For centuries the bones lay buried, until discovered by chance in 1974 while excavating for a housing development, earth moving equipment exposed South Dakota's greatest fossil treasure. Fortunately, through the work of local citizens, the Mammoth Site was preserved. Today it is the world's largest Columbian mammoth exhibit, and a world-renown research center for Pleistocene studies.
History, Natural History
History, Natural History, Specialized
Cemetery, Children's, Culture, Historic House, Historical Society, Library, Natural History, Park
Museum, log cabin, country school, old postoffice and general store, nature area, trout in creek on property, old jail house
Culture, History, Historic House, Library, Natural History, Science, Specialized, University
The museum tells the story of South Dakota's vast and varied agricultural past and the determination it took to survive on the land. Visitors will leave understanding the important role of agriculture in South Dakota's past, present and future.