Browse Museums

Cheshire Historical Society
Cheshire, Connecticut

Historical Society

Organized in 1951, the Cheshire Historical Society is a group of old and new residents who have a desire to discover and preserve the heritage of Cheshire, Connecticut. They educate and assist others in their inquiries into our past and promote a love for our town and its inhabitants.

Our first home was in the 1st. District School (1951-1956), then the old Cheshire Public Library (Williams House) on Main Street (1956-1972). We are presently located at the Hitchcock - Phillips House on the Cheshire Green, as shown above.


Georgia Association of Museums 2025 Conference

February 5 - 7, 2025

Milledgeville, Georgia

2025 California Association of Museums Conference

February 18 - 22, 2025

San Fransico, California

Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Texas Association of Museums 2025 Conference Austin

April 6 - 9, 2025

Austin, Texas

Oregon Museum Association 2025 Conference

April 27 - 29, 2025

Independence, Oregon



03/07 Uintah County Heritage Museum

Vernal, Utah

Museum Vendors

03/07 Digiscura

Encino, California

Museum Associations

03/07 Public Lands Alliance

Washington, District of Columbia

03/07 Oregon Museums Association

Portland, Oregon

03/07 Texas Association of Museums

Austin, Texas

03/07 Virginia Association of Museums

Richmond, Virginia

03/07 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida