Browse Museums

Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum
Nazareth, Pennsylvania

History, Historic House, Historical Society, Natural History, Nature Centers

Mission, goals and programs of the Jacobsburg Historical Society
The mission of the Jacobsburg Historical Society is to preserve the art and industry of making early American firearms, and the character of the individuals and community that created and sustained that enterprise.
The Society was founded in 1972 to preserve and interpret the historical Henry family estate and early industrial properties, the family's gun and iron making heritage and to help establish the Jacobsburg National Historic District.


Georgia Association of Museums 2025 Conference

February 5 - 7, 2025

Milledgeville, Georgia

2025 California Association of Museums Conference

February 18 - 22, 2025

San Fransico, California

Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

Texas Association of Museums 2025 Conference Austin

April 6 - 9, 2025

Austin, Texas

Oregon Museum Association 2025 Conference

April 27 - 29, 2025

Independence, Oregon



03/07 Uintah County Heritage Museum

Vernal, Utah

Museum Vendors

03/07 Digiscura

Encino, California

Museum Associations

03/07 Public Lands Alliance

Washington, District of Columbia

03/07 Oregon Museums Association

Portland, Oregon

03/07 Texas Association of Museums

Austin, Texas

03/07 Virginia Association of Museums

Richmond, Virginia

03/07 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida