Browse Museums

Gallery North, Miami Dade College, North Campus
Miami, Florida


Gallery North is an institution of the North Campus of the Miami-Dade Community College with a yearly program of exhibitions on a non-profit basis and free to students & public. Our exhibition program is designed to provide our students with a learning opportunity through a first-hand and direct experience with the Visual Arts in a comprehensive variety of media and styles. Visual Art exhibitions and lectures have been presented at the North Campus through the Art and Philosophy Department and Gallery North since 1968. Juan Espinosa-Almodovar is Interim Gallery Director for Gallery North since September 1, 1997.

Gold Coast Railroad, Inc.
Miami, Florida


The mission of the Gold Coast Railroad Museum is to collect, restore, and preserve historic railroad objects and equipment and to exhibit and operate these objects and equipment for the general public in order to disseminate knowledge of the important role that railroads have played in Florida's and the nation's, history.


Georgia Association of Museums 2025 Conference

February 5 - 7, 2025

Milledgeville, Georgia

Small Museum Association 41st Annual Conference 2025

February 17 - 19, 2025

Gaithersburg, Maryland

2025 California Association of Museums Conference

February 18 - 22, 2025

San Fransico, California

Virginia Association of Museum's 2025 Annual Conference!

March 15 - 18, 2025

Blacksburg, Virginia

2025 Am Assoc for State and Local History Annual Conference

September 10 - 13, 2025

Cincinnati, Ohio



03/07 Pointe Coupee Parish Museum

New Roads, Louisiana

03/07 Uintah County Heritage Museum

Vernal, Utah

Museum Vendors

03/07 Digiscura

Encino, California

Museum Associations

03/07 Public Lands Alliance

Washington, District of Columbia

03/07 Oregon Museums Association

Portland, Oregon

03/07 Virginia Association of Museums

Richmond, Virginia

03/07 American Association for State and Local History

Nashville, Tennessee

03/07 Small Museum Association

Dover, Delaware