Browse Museums

Abbot-Spaulding House
Nashua, New Hampshire


Academy Museum
Walpole, New Hampshire


Alton Historical Society
Alton, New Hampshire

Historical Society

American Independence Museum
Exeter, New Hampshire


Andres Institute of Art
Brookline, New Hampshire

Art, Park, Specialized

Andres Institute of Art is a 140 acre sculpture park. Our park contains miles of wooded trails, beautiful vistas, and peaceful settings. Each year the institute hosts “Bridges and Connections”, an international sculpture symposium, that brings together artists from different cultures to create sculptures which remain on site. It is the combination of art and nature that makes a visit to Andres Institute of Art a unique and memorable occasion. The grounds at Andres Institute of Art are open to the public year round -free of charge- dawn to dusk, and we encourage you to come and enjoy the sculptures along the well-marked trails.

Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire, Inc
Hampton, New Hampshire

Historical Society

The Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire, Inc was formed at a meeting held September 15, 1950 in “The Little Red Schoolhouse” in Wakefield with thirteen societies represented. It was incorporated on October 16, 1951 with twenty-four charter member societies plus about 100 individual members. Membership is invited from all who are interested in the rich history of the Granite State. Regular meetings and educational programs are held four times a year on the 4th Saturday of April, June, August and October. The location and program for each meeting is announced in the Association’s newsletter, The Associate, which is distributed by mail to all members. The Annual Meeting of the Association, with election of officers is held in conjunction with the regular October meeting.

Austin Hall
Center Strafford, New Hampshire


Bagpipe Music Museum
Manchester, New Hampshire


Collection temporarily in storage at Scottish Arts, Inc.

Barrett House
New Ipswich, New Hampshire

Historic House

Boscawen Historical Museum
Boscawen, New Hampshire


Academy Hall
Lyme, New Hampshire


Acworth Historical Society
Alstead, New Hampshire

Historical Society

Always Ready Engine House
Hollis, New Hampshire


Andover Historical Society
Andover, New Hampshire

Historical Society

Antrim Historical Society
Antrim, New Hampshire

Culture, History, Historical Society

This is the Official YouTube channel of the Antrim New Hampshire Historical Society. Please subscribe to our channel and you will automatically be notified when additional videos are uploaded.

Atkinson Historical Society
Atkinson, New Hampshire

Historical Society

AVA Gallery and Art Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire

Art, Children's

Barnet Historical Society
Campton, New Hampshire

Historical Society

Bedford Historical Society
Bedford, New Hampshire


The Bedford Historical Society was organized in 1967 - late for a town so aware of tradition. It was at a time when both old residents and new were seeing rapid changes and felt our history might become blurred or lost unless a concerted effort was made to collect and preserve those things which Inform us of our past. At the first formal meeting In November Judge Peter Woodbury was elected president as an acknowledgement of his and his family's long concern with Beckford history. He drew up the Society's charter and set a strong, active organization on a firm foundation. Twelve years after its founding, the Society acquired Schoolhouse 7 which was located on New Boston Rd. near Wallace Rd.

Brentwood Historical Museum
Brentwood, New Hampshire



March 29 - 31, 2025

Ohio Museum Asociation 2025 Annual Conference - Athens


Athens, Ohio

March 30 - 31, 2025

North Carolina Museums Council 2025 Annual Conference


Raleigh, North Carolina

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Arkansas Museums Association 2025 Conference

Historic Washington State Park

Washington, Arkansas

April 5 - 8, 2025

New York Museum Association 2025 Conference in Ithaca, NY

Ithaca Downtown Conference Center

Ithaca, New York

April 6 - 8, 2025

Nebraska Museum Association 2025 Conference

Hosted by the Knight Museum in Alliance, Nebraska

United States



03/27 A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery

Fort Pierce, Florida

Museum Associations

03/27 Florida Association of Museums

Tallahassee, Florida